Publisert av: For the Little Prince - Per | juli 11, 2010

In The Middle of the Night by Sandy S Zoo *2010* ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 7-11-10

A Poem and An Answer by:   Sandy Ej *2010*

*In the Middle of the Night*   ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Life is very, very quiet at the moment

It is the middle of the night

It is peaceful, and I am waiting

For the morning light


I pray for peace

Tomorrow’s a new day

Yesterday is gone

Keeps moving, can not stay


What tomorrow brings we do not

We do not know

But, no matter how good is the moment,

From each moment, we must go


We carry on

To the future and to see

Will tomorrow be sunshine

Or cloudy will it be?


Sometimes, it is clouds

So beautiful, profound

So dark and untouchable

With beauty all around


For it highlights the fact

That wherever we wait

We might live in the moment

We must accept our fate


After the clouds, come sunshine

After the darkness, light

We learn to live, we learn to love

In the darkness of the night


Every cloud a silver lining

Every storm a rainbow, too

Every tear brings renewal

Every broken heart goes through


Tomorrow be sunshine

Tomorrow be bright

Yesterday be gone

When darkness turns to light


When Darkness Turns to Light:

A Poem and An Answer

*By Sandy Ej *2010*


*Sandy Ej *2010*

*Sandy and Co*

*Sandy S Zoo Studios*

Publisert av: For the Little Prince - Per | juli 2, 2010

The Medicine Menace: Children Who Have Swallowed Lethal Doses of Prescription Drugs

The Medicine Menace: Children Who Have Swallowed Lethal Doses of Prescription Drugs

Many of the calls that come into Poison Control Centers      concern children who have swallowed over-the-counter pain  relievers or prescription medicines. The Poison Prevention  Week Council strongly urges adults to use child-resistant  packaging for medications – even if there aren’t any children in  the house. Poisonings have happened when children visit  homes, or when people have carried medicines into homes in their pockets or purses.

A study conducted by the American Association of Poison Control Centers found that 23 percent of the oral prescription drugs that were ingested by children under 5 belonged to someone who did not live with the child. Overall, 17 percent of the medicines ingested belonged to a grandparent or great-grandparent. The data suggest that grandparents – and all adults – need to use child-resistant packaging and keep medicines properly secured, away from young children.

«The caps to medicine bottles are child-resistant, not child-proof,» warns Dr. Muller. «Eventually, a child will figure out how to get it open.»

This is the exact scenario that happened in my case.  We were visiting my great-aunt Cora.  Her elderly uncle was staying at her home for an extended visit.  My brothers and cousins and I were upstairs playing in my great-aunt Cora’s bedroom.  In the adjoining room, her uncle  had left his high blood pressure medications on the nightstand.  I had entered the room, removed the cap and was eating the medications like a child would ‘eat candy’.   One of my brothers found me and acted immediately. He told my mother that I ‘was eating chalk’.   My brother was my guardian angel then, and he always has been.

I was 16 months old and my brother was almost three  (3) years old.  My brother went downstairs to get my mother and brought her to the room where I was holding the bottle of blood pressure medications and had chalk residue on my teeth and lips.  I was rushed to the Emergency Room twenty minutes away and they  had to ‘flush my system’ using a variety of uncomfortable procedures.  Being only 16 months old, I don’t remember this story, but everyone who was there that night remembers and are sure to remind me how lucky I am when we are together at family gatherings.  My great-aunt Cora was there that evening.  She was like the lighthouse in our family, sharing memories, and always had a smile and an encouraging word.  My great-aunt Cora, she was a gem!

My mother says that the doctor was livid and gave my parents and their hosts for the evening an extensive and very ‘loud’ lecture on children and prescription medications.  There is not much research that I can find on the topic, but I do know that a lot of the children that accidentally took ‘prescription medications’ did not survive.  I was one of the lucky ones, and my guardian angel is my brother.  He always followed me to and from the school bus and ‘looked out for me’.  Imagine that.  A three year old saving his little sister…and I’ve never forgotten the gift that he gave to me.    Sandy Ej   *2010*

Postscript:  It was determined that the prescription medication was the  lipid-soluble beta-blocker known as propranolol.

These are two websites that provided some information regarding accidental exposure to prescription hypertension and/or cardiovascular medications.……

The following information has been cited as being from this website:…

  • Bradycardia with associated hypotension and shock (systolic BP <80 mm Hg, heart rate <60 BPM) defines severe beta-blocker toxicity. Patients with severe toxicity often manifest extracardiac manifestations of intoxication.
    • Bradycardia, by itself, is not necessarily helpful as a warning sign because slowing of the heart rate and damping of tachycardia in response to stress is observed at therapeutic doses.
    • Although case reports have documented hypotension in the absence of bradycardia, blood pressure usually does not fall before the onset of bradycardia.
    • Bradycardia may be isolated or accompanied by mild conduction disturbances.
  • A depressed level of consciousness and seizures may occur as a result of cellular hypoxia from poor cardiac output, a direct CNS effect caused by sodium channel blocking, or even as a result of hypoglycemia. The lipid-soluble agents have increased distribution into the brain, and these agents are associated with severe CNS toxicity.
    • Patients who have taken lipid-soluble beta-blockers, such as propranolol, frequently present with seizures after an overdose.
    • Seizures are generalized and may be multiple but are usually brief, lasting seconds to minutes. Seizures occasionally have been reported after therapeutic use of esmolol and with overdose of alprenolol, metoprolol, and oxprenolol. Seizures are far more common after propranolol overdose.
  • Coma may be prolonged, depending on the half-life of the agent involved and the coexisting morbidity.
  • Severe memory impairment developed in an 81-year-old woman taking propranolol 20 mg 3 times per day. Effects were associated with an elevated propranolol blood level (163 mcg/L) and resolved after discontinuation of the drug.
  • Bronchospasm is a rare complication of beta-blocker therapy or overdose but is more likely in patients who already have bronchospastic disease. Sudden fatality following administration of therapeutic doses of beta-blocker has been reported in 4 patients with asthma. Pulmonary edema had been reported to occur as a result of cardiac failure. Respiratory arrest has also been described with beta-blocker intoxication, especially with propranolol, and is thought to be secondary to a central drug effect.
  • Hypoglycemia is relatively uncommon but described in patients with unstable diabetes and in children. Beta-blocking drugs may cause hypoglycemia by inhibiting glycogenolysis.


  • Beta-blocker toxicity in children usually results from exposure to an adult’s unattended medications
  • Portions of this article written by:          Sandy Ej   *2010*
Publisert av: For the Little Prince - Per | juni 1, 2010

My Waterfall…

This is My Waterfall

I started building a waterfall

The day after  I was born

My parents added rocks and twigs

And a few leaves, albeit torn

As years went on-

They added more

To make it more beautiful

Than the years before

I played on the farm

And collected shells

I collected flowers

I admired the well                                        [a watersource]

And then, it was time

To meet some new friends

It was time to show off

The waterfall and then…

Something happened

The waterfall was dry

There were no drops

Of water as the years went by

And then, all of a sudden,

It happened overnight

The water, it trickled

And so began my plight

Your teeth, they are  funny

You look like this                                                       [beaver teeth]

The weird way you walk and

You smell like a fish

I had a grandmother

Who watched the waterfall flow

I had a dear friend

It was tough, she said so

I walked a little farther

I would walk down the road

I danced,  I jogged,  I cried

It helped lessen the load

And, I can honestly say

The teasing never stopped

If it wasn’t this, it wasn’t that

My happy bubble popped

My grandmother, she’d say

Just never say ‘hate’

You need not like the sinner

But, you can’t  say ‘hate’, just wait

Some day you’ll understand

My little chick-a-dee

Some time, you’ll know that

You’re as strong as can be

The waterfall it trickled

The waterfall it ran

The waterfall it rippled

It was according to plan

Oh, grandmother

I can see now

I see water in the ‘fall’

I can see it coming

Over the ridge and the wall

But, grandmother

It hurts, this gently

running river

And, grandmother

It stings, like a bee

bite can deliver

My little one,

You wanted water

And a waterfall, too

My little one,

You wanted beauty

This waterfall, it’s you

I never wanted the pain

I never wanted the tears

I never wanted the river

That brought injustice and fears

And, she said

In a quiet little voice

But, your parents gave

you a chance,

They gave you a choice

You could avoid the rain

But, you’d miss all o’ the joy

You could avoid the thunder

And miss  ‘missing that boy’

You could avoid the sunburn

And avoid the cockleburrs

You could avoid it and run

But, not escape your fears

The river, a waterfall flows

Over and around the trees

You have to go through it,

You will learn this, you’ll see

But, a waterfall was built

And the waterfall it flows

There’s nothing I can do

How to stop it, no one knows

I went down to the waterfall

I sang songs, I skipped rocks

I chased ponies and frogs

I ran through corn stalks

I began to understand

That my life was a gift

My parents didn’t wish for me

the pain or  lack of bliss

But in order to feel

In order to glow

In order to shine

In order to know

If the water fall

was meant to run over

If the water fall

was to highlight the clover

It had to run

You had to cry

That’s how it is

I don’t know why

I stopped and looked

What beauty I see

The rocks and the water

The sounds; they reflect me

I will let that waterfall be

I will let it run, too

I will not hold back

Because grandmother knew

In order to live,

In order to grow

Let the tears come

Let the wind blow

You can’t stop it

Or fight it

The water,  wind blowing

Just enjoy the beauty

of a waterfall flowing

*Sandy S Zoo* 2010* Copyright*


Publisert av: For the Little Prince - Per | mai 31, 2010

Ode to Young Lovers – May 30, 2010

Ode to Young Lovers – May 30, 2010

Sometimes, it takes a little effort to open up my heart and to get me to listen

to love.   Sometimes, it takes a little extra care to encourage me to open up

my arms to your tenderness.   Sometimes, it takes a special person to gently

open each petal and to blow a kiss on the broken ones.   Sometimes, it takes a

lot of kindness to look at my storybook and to tell me that no matter how bad

it was, the best is yet to come.   Sometimes, it takes just a little kiss on the

cheek to open up my imagination to all sorts of possibilities.   Sometimes, I

want to run and not look back.   Sometimes, I just want to dive in your arms

and I know that I’ll only land in the ocean.   I don’t know how to fly yet.

Sometimes, I wonder if there’s a chance that we could be the best of friends


I guess I’ll never know unless I dare to take a little effort to open up your

heart and to get you to listen to love, to take a little extra care to encourage

you to open up your arms to my tenderness, to gently open each petal and to

blow a kiss on the broken ones, to look at your storybook and to tell you that

no matter how bad it was, the best is yet to come, and to give you just a little

kiss on the cheek to open up your imagination to all sorts of possibilities.

And, when you want to run and not look back,  I’ll be here sitting on the park

bench waiting for you.

Ode to Young Lovers:  For the Tender Hearts That Never Dared to Love

and For the Tender Hearts That Some Day Will….            Amen.

Sandy S Zoo

Copyright *2010* All Rights Reserved

Written for the one I never dared to love…

*30 Years Ago*

Publisert av: For the Little Prince - Per | mai 19, 2010

The Song Under My Wing – Special Delivery

There’s A Song, It’s Under My Wing
I’m running along,
singing a song
Running for peace,
on a tight leash
Holding your heart,
close to my soul
Knowing your mind,
just rocks over rolls   (nonsense words)
Friends come
We never know why
How far they’ll
It could be up to
the sky
Holding your hand,
I can’t see your
face,                                                  (I just see the screen…..)
Knowing it takes two
To finish this race
Sometimes two souls
They are clueless to
Why their thoughts
Why God gave love
or just pain
They keep running
Albeit in different
It’s easy to see,
there is
Kindness, affection
But, it’s not like
Not like that, at
all, this song                                             (OMG!)
If you’re thinking
those thoughts
Then, you’re totally
We’re just two
Come together for a
We’re too good
Come together for life or
a season
From the outside
looking in
That’s just plain
How can you say that
You’re just a
hill billy
(Ej is….)
I don’t know why
She sort of makes sense
That song, and
that dance
I know
I can’t say it
I can’t tell you
life’s  perfect
I can’t tell you
life’s rosy
It’s flawed,
It’s wrong
It’s a defect
Those rainbow
There is magic in
the wind
That bird has a song
It’s under it’s wing
This one’s for you,
Rah Rah
Just treasure it,
your youth
But, that doesn’t
You don’t know it,
You’re wise,
you’re a sleuth
You’ve come a long
To explain life,
people in it
You’ve explained
and questions
With wisdom
and wit
But, there’s one
I’ve got to ask,
right now
You understand why
I’m here
And I wonder just
You must have a
heart of gold
And you don’t even
You must see
And laughter,
And, why?
Well, it shows.
[same song, double spaced]

I’m running along,

singing a song

Running for peace,

on a tight leash

Holding your heart,

close to my soul

Knowing your mind,

just rocks over rolls    (nonsense words)

Friends come together

We never know why

How far they’ll jump?

It could be up to the sky.

Holding your hand, though

I can’t see your face,                     (I can see the screen though)

Knowing it takes two

To finish this race

Sometimes two souls collide

They are clueless to explain

Why their thoughts coincide

Why God gave them pain

They keep running

Albeit in different directions

It’s easy to see, there is

Kindness, affection

But, it’s not like that

Not like that, this song

If you’re thinking those thoughts

Then, you’re totally wrong

We’re just two people

Come together for a reason

We’re too good friends

Come together

For more than a season

From the outside looking in

That’s just plain silly

How can you say that

You sound like a hill billy                    (Ej does….)

But, you see, I can’t say it

I can’t tell you life is perfect

I can’t tell you life’s  ‘rosy’

There’s a flaw,  minor defect                  (rhyme without reason)

Those rainbow stories

There is magic in the wind

That bird has a song

It’s under it’s wing

This one’s for you, 4 Rah Rah                              (et al….)

Just treasure it, your youth

But, that doesn’t mean

You don’t know it, ‘the sleuth’                  (someone who uncovers mysteries)

You’ve come a long ways

To explain life, people in it

You’ve explained interactions

The love, hate, friend, foe bit

But, there’s one question

I’ve got to ask, right now

You understand why I’m here

And I wonder just how

You must have a heart of gold

And you don’t even know it

You see goodness and kindness

With wisdom and wit

Publisert av: For the Little Prince - Per | mai 13, 2010

The Poem I Didn’t Want to Write – Sandy S Zoo

The Poem I Didn’t Want to Write – Sandy S Zoo

I want to hear your voice

I want to touch your face

I need to see you now

You left without a trace


I need to see you now

I need a warm embrace

I want to hold you close

Heart to heart, and face to face


I said, «Just go away..»

I didn’t want you near

Just words, I  just didn’t mean it

Here’s my heart, right here.    [Sharing a red paper heart….]


In the quiet of the night

As the stars began to shine

I thought I heard your voice

It was only half past nine


He  is in the I.C.U, they said

His heart beats slower by the minute

His eyes are closed, his breath is weak

What’s life without you in it


And, she* holds the ‘phone up to his ear                   *a nurse in an I.C.U.

He leans in to the ‘phone

She whispers, I didn’t mean it

I want you to come home


Without you, I can’t do it

Without you, life is h*ll

When I can’t hear your voice

I start to scream and yell   [click and disconnect]


And, then a moment later

The ‘phone, I heard it ring

The phone, it’s for you

What message did it bring?


I need to see you now

I need to hear your voice

Your voice is music

Not just noise….


I need to see you now

I need a warm embrace

I want to hold you close

Heart to heart, and face to face


Everybody has dreams.  Sometimes, they’re good.

Sometimes, they’re not.  This is every one’s worst

nightmare; to have an argument and never have the

chance to say, «I’m sorry.»  Sometimes, it’s not even

an argument, sometimes, it’s when two people just can’t

get along.    Life is unpredictable.  Live life living.

But, don’t forget to say, «I’m sorry.»      It’s o.k.

I’m sorry.


This poem is written about situations in general, not

just one specific  situation.  Thanks for stopping by….

*Sandy S Zoo*

*Copyright *2010* All Rights Reserved*

Publisert av: For the Little Prince - Per | april 28, 2010

What’s Happening in Italy – 2010 – Sandy S Zoo

To Find Out More About «What’s Happening in Italy»

The Bologna Masacre was the largest and the last of the bombing, appearing in 1980 and resulting in 85 murders and 200 people being injured. The masacre was the work of the neofascist circles called P2 (Propaganda Due). There have been speculations that the strategy of tension is supported by the United States in order to stop Socialists entering the government.
Berlusconi returned as the head of the government in 2001 as the leader of the ‘Freedom House’, a center-right coalition.
Following the Mani Pulite investigation which uncovered a vast array of corrupt political and economic actions, many seemingly immortal parties went into oblivion and some changed their names in order to appear more attractive. Socialist Party and the Christian Democrat Party disbanded while the Communists changed their name to Democratic Party of the Left and became the leading social Italian democratic party. This was the start of another Italian transformation called the Second Republic.
The Democrats of the Left formed a new government which also had to resign because of their poor performance.
Prodi was the Prime Minister between 2006 and 2007 after the narrow victory of his l’Unione coalition that received more votes than Berlusconi’s Casa delle Liberta. Due to the government crisis Prodi resigned. New election resulted in Berlusconi becoming the new Prime Minister who formed the Berlusconi IV Cabinet.
United Nations Security Council Resolution 25, adopted on May 22, 1947, recommended Italy’s application for admission to the United Nations to the Committee on the Admission of New Members for «study and report to the Security Council at the appropriate time».
The resolution was adopted ten votes to none, while Australia abstained.
Amidst the ‘long and winding road’ of political jargon, I found this delightful and pungnant cartoon from
For those who aren’t up on Roman Catholic saints, Calabria’s own Saint Francis is often overshadowed by Saint Francis of Assisi, the co-Patron Saint of Italy with Saint Catherine of Siena (although there is some debate on that, with Saint Joseph (father of Jesus) as the other contender).
And finally, guess who’s invading the Bel Paese? You’ll never guess.
Or maybe you will.
Give up?  Starbucks!
This ABC article is actually from April 30 of this year, but I just saw it referenced here. Scary thing is that the article talks about the time frame of 24-36 months during which Starbucks plans to open branches in France, Germany, Spain, and (gulp) Italy.
Mussolini made every effort to destroy any evidence of his
first marriage. Now, pre-eminent Italian filmmaker Marco Bellocchio (Fists in the Pocket; China Is Near; Good Morning Night) has crafted the scandal of Mussolini’s first, hidden marriage into Vincere (To Win), a gripping political thriller that draws provocative parallels between the rise of Italian fascism under Mussolini and the career of Italy’s present-day prime minister, right-wing politician Silvio Berlusconi.
But it’s the consciousness of audiences in Italy and beyond that seems to have been Bellocchio’s primary target. As journalist and left historian Ethan Young commented after the screening, “Fascism is still part of Italy’s national identity. Forgetting isn’t acceptable.”
Ah, hah…
My connection to Italy.  I have a rare disease; Narcolepsy. It is successfully treated  with Provigil.
Italians organized the «Rare Disease Day 2010» in February of 2010.
And, finally, my favorite Travel Guide on National Public Televison:


To find out more about «What’s Happening in Italy»




The Bologna Masacre was the largest and the last of the bombing, appearing in 1980 and resulting in 85 murders and 200 people being injured. The masacre was the work of the neofascist circles called P2 (Propaganda Due). There have been speculations that the strategy of tension is supported by the United States in order to stop Socialists entering the government.

Berlusconi returned as the head of the government in 2001 as the leader of the ‘Freedom House’, a center-right coalition.
Following the Mani Pulite investigation which uncovered a vast array of corrupt political and economic actions, many seemingly immortal parties went into oblivion and some changed their names in order to appear more attractive. Socialist Party and the Christian Democrat Party disbanded while the Communists changed their name to Democratic Party of the Left and became the leading social Italian democratic party. This was the start of another Italian transformation called the Second Republic.
The Democrats of the Left formed a new government which also had to resign because of their poor performance.
Prodi was the Prime Minister between 2006 and 2007 after the narrow victory of his l’Unione coalition that received more votes than Berlusconi’s Casa delle Liberta. Due to the government crisis Prodi resigned. New election resulted in Berlusconi becoming the new Prime Minister who formed the Berlusconi IV Cabinet.
United Nations Security Council Resolution 25, adopted on May 22, 1947, recommended Italy’s application for admission to the United Nations to the Committee on the Admission of New Members for «study and report to the Security Council at the appropriate time».The resolution was adopted ten votes to none, while Australia abstained.



Amidst the ‘long and winding road’ of political jargon, I found this delightful and pungnant cartoon from



For those who aren’t up on Roman Catholic saints, Calabria’s own Saint Francis is often overshadowed by Saint Francis of Assisi, the co-Patron Saint of Italy with Saint Catherine of Siena (although there is some debate on that, with Saint Joseph (father of Jesus) as the other contender).
And finally, guess who’s invading the Bel Paese? You’ll never guess.
Or maybe you will.
Give up?  Starbucks!
This ABC article is actually from April 30 of this year, but I just saw it referenced here. Scary thing is that the article talks about the time frame of 24-36 months during which Starbucks plans to open branches in France, Germany, Spain, and (gulp) Italy.



Mussolini made every effort to destroy any evidence of hisfirst marriage. Now, pre-eminent Italian filmmaker Marco Bellocchio (Fists in the Pocket; China Is Near; Good Morning Night) has crafted the scandal of Mussolini’s first, hidden marriage into Vincere (To Win), a gripping political thriller that draws provocative parallels between the rise of Italian fascism under Mussolini and the career of Italy’s present-day prime minister, right-wing politician Silvio Berlusconi.
But it’s the consciousness of audiences in Italy and beyond that seems to have been Bellocchio’s primary target. As journalist and left historian Ethan Young commented after the screening, “Fascism is still part of Italy’s national identity. Forgetting isn’t acceptable.”



Ah, hah…My connection to Italy.  I have a rare disease; Narcolepsy. It is successfully treated  with Provigil.
Italians organized the «Rare Disease Day 2010» in February of 2010.




And, Here’s My Favorite Travel Guide on National Public Televison:



More About Italy?


Try this:


Compiled by:  Sandy S Zoo  – April 28, 2010

Each article has been properly cited.  Addresses are placed after the article.

With regards to the [periods] located throughout this article,

there are times that spaces have not been recognized and I have used

a [period] to enforce the space, otherwise,  the article regresses back to

a previous version of the article with [no spaces].      Enjoy!

Publisert av: For the Little Prince - Per | april 17, 2010

A Crying Pond – 4 Lacey – Nearing Completion- April 2010

My Crying Pond – For Lacey

I was most actually sitting in my garden
And, the sun was shining and I was p*ssed.
I was sitting among the thorns and the weeds…..
And, my little black cat just h»ssed.

She climbed the tree and ‘meowed’ it out
Why don’t you just spit, jump and shout
Why can’t you ask for help, my friend
Why can’t you make the call «to end»

And, you sitting there all prim and proper
And, you smarty pants, gadget girl, Mr. Whopper
Sittin’ with your backs to the wall
With not a care in the world, not at all

You’re fillin’  my cryin’ pond when I’m gone
For all the times I cried for help
and you were far away
For all the times I whispered ‘WHY’
And you just couldn’t say (For Lacey)

For times that I felt just a little bit mad
For the times that I could have been so bad
I carry your tears in a bucket
forget about mine, they just don’t cut it. (for Lacey)

Fill the crying pond now, make it overflow
Fill it and splash around, and you’ll never know
How much fun it could be….
If you had answered my call, it’s me!

I was alive.
I was real.
You didn’t listen.
That was the deal.

(What she might have said….)

I need your help, with a gun to my head
I need your help, my kids are in bed
Come quickly, be fearless
Come quickly, you’ll see
It’s me, the bruises, the gun
and the [terrible] deeds

But, you didn’t «call» quickly,
You didn’t, we know
You waited and waited to call
It was slow

Why, to call the ER when the deed
had been done
Why, to let them cover the tears,
And, to let her soul bleed, the drops,
one by one

I’m mad at you, it happened again
You didn’t listen, to listen, to my friend
I heard her cries, and yet I couldn’t see
That the calls, each one, were for
her and for me

In your pretty dress and earrings
Wake up, now, OPEN YOUR EYES
In your pretty dress and earrings
In your pretty suit and ties

Wake up your nightmares
your ignorance, your clout
Wake up your integrity
Your courage, don’t doubt

I needed you.
You never came.
You’ll still have a chance
at fortune and fame

And, as for me, I’m sitting
by ‘her crying pond’ watching (For Lacey)
the tears flow by
I’m watching not a cloud or
a drop from the sky

The pond be filled by the
memories, of just one more
A beautiful life lost,
And to you, what’s one more.

You. You know who you are.
You don’t take it seriously,
And, why, can’t you start.
It’s your lack of awareness,
No kindness, that’s breakin’ my heart

The one life lost could have
been, a child or a friend,
When will you start crying
When does the crying end.

Sandy S Zoo April 15, 2010
Written for Lacey
For whose Crying Pond
will be filled with your tears…
the ones who didn’t respond
or for the ones who didn’t

Publisert av: For the Little Prince - Per | april 8, 2010

An Introduction to Clarice Lispector

«O que não sei dizer é mais importante do que o que eu digo.»
Clarice Lispector
«Who has not asked himself at some time or other: am I a monster or is this what it means to be a person?»
Clarice Lispector (A Hora Da Estrela)
// // //
«Things were somehow so good that they were in danger of becoming very bad because what is fully mature is very close to rotting»
Clarice Lispector (A Hora Da Estrela)
«I only achieve simplicity with enormous effort»
Clarice Lispector (A Hora Da Estrela)
«Por te falar eu te assustarei e te perderei? mas se eu não falar eu me perderei, e por me perder eu te perderia.»
Clarice Lispector
«And I want to be held down. I don’t know what to do with the horrifying freedom that can destroy me.»
Clarice Lispector (The Passion According to G.H.)
«Quando se ama não é preciso entender o que se passa lá fora, pois tudo passa a acontecer dentro de nós»
Clarice Lispector
«Who hasn’t asked himself, am I a monster or is this what it means to be human?»
Clarice Lispector
«The world’s continual breathing is what we hear and call silence.»
Clarice Lispector (The Passion According to G.H.)
«Reality prior to my language exists as an unthinkable thought. . . . life precedes love, bodily matter precedes the body, and one day in its turn language shall have preceded possession of silence.»
Clarice Lispector (The Passion According to G.H.)
«‘I’ is merely one of the world’s instantaneous spasms.»
Clarice Lispector (The Passion According to G.H.)
«So long as I have questions to which there are no answers, I shall go on writing.»
Clarice Lispector (The Hour of the Star)
«What I want is to live of that initial and primordial something that was what made some things reach the point of aspiring to be human.»
Clarice Lispector (The Passion According to G.H.)
«I have grown weary of literature: silence alone comforts me. If I continue to write, it’s because I have nothing more to accomplish in this world except to wait for death. Searching for the word in darkness. Any little success invades me and puts me in full view of everyone. I long to wallow in the mud. I can scarcely control my need for self-abasement, my craving for licentiousness and debauchery. Sin tempts me, forbidden pleasures lure me. I want to be both pig and hen, then kill them and drink their blood.»
Clarice Lispector
«Que ninguém se engane: só se consegue a simplicidade através de muito trabalho.»
Clarice Lispector
«Even great men are only truly recognized and honored once they are dead. Why? Because those who praise them need to feel themselves somehow superior to the person praised, they need to feel they are making some concession. »
Clarice Lispector (Near to the Wild Heart)
«Ignorance of the law of irreducibility was no excuse. I could no longer excuse myself with the claim that I didn’t know the law — for knowledge of self and of the world is the law that, even though unattainable, cannot be broken, and no one can excuse himself by saying that he doesn’t know it. . . . The renewed originality of the sin is this: I have to carry out my unknowing, I shall be sinning originally against life.»
Clarice Lispector (The Passion According to G.H.)
«The mystery of human destiny is that we are fated, but that we have the freedom to fulfill or not fulfill our fate: realization of our fated destiny depends on us. While inhuman beings like the cockroach realize the entire cycle without going astray because they make no choices.»
Clarice Lispector (The Passion According to G.H.)
«In the world there exists no aesthetic plane, not even the aesthetic plane of goodness.»
Clarice Lispector (The Passion According to G.H.)
«For at the hour of death you became a celebrated film star, it is a moment of glory for everyone, when the choral music scales the top notes.
Clarice Lispector (The Hour of the Star)
«Haber nacido me ha estropeado la salud.»
Clarice Lispector
«Escrevo por não ter nada a fazer no mundo: sobrei e não há lugar para mim na terra dos homens. Escrevo porque sou um desesperado e estou cansado, não suporto mais a rotina de me ser e se não fosse a sempre novidade que é escrever, eu me morreria simbolicamente todos os dias. (A hora da estrela)»
Clarice Lispector
«(…)sentou-se para descansar e em breve fazia de conta que ela era uma mulher azul porque o crepúsculo mais tarde talvez fosse azul, faz de conta que fiava com fios de ouro as sensações. faz de conta que a infância era hoje e prateada de brinquedos, faz de conta que uma veia não se abrira e faz de conta que dela não estava em silêncio alvíssimo escorrendo sangue escarlate, e que ela não estivesse pálida de morte mas isso fazia de conta que estava mesmo de verdade, precisava no meio do faz de conta falar a verdade de pedra opaca para que contrastasse com o faz de conta verde-cintilante, faz de conta que amava e era amada, faz de conta que não precisava morrer de saudade, faz de conta que estava deitada na palma transparente de Deus, não Lóri mas o seu nome secreto que ela por enquanto ainda não podia usufruir, faz de conta que vivia e não que estivesse morrendo pois viver afinal não passava de se aproximar cada vez mais da morte, faz de conta que ela não ficava de braços caídos de perplexidade quando os fios de ouro que fiava se embaraçavam e ela não sabia desfazer o fino fio frio, faz de conta que ela era sábia bastante para desfazer os nós de corda de marinheiro que lhe atavam os pulsos, faz de conta que tinha um cesto de pérolas só para olhar a cor da lua pois ela era lunar, faz de conta que ela fechasse os olhos e seres amados surgissem quando abrisse os olhos úmidos de gratidão, faz de conta que tudo o que tinha não era faz de conta, faz de conta que se descontraía o peito e uma luz douradíssima e leve guiava por uma floresta de açudes mudos e de tranqüilas mortalidades, faz de conta que ela não era lunar, faz de conta que ela não estava chorando por dentro.»
Clarice Lispector
«But don’t forget, in the meantime, that this is the season for strawberries. Yes.»
Clarice Lispector (The Hour of the Star)
«And now — now it only remains for me to light a cigarette and go home. Dear God, only now am I remembering that people die. Does that include me?
Don’t forget, in the meantime, that this is the season for strawberries. Yes.»
Clarice Lispector
«I like poisons, the slowest

and drinks, the stronges

and coffee, the bitterest

and the craziest hallucinations.

You can even throw me off a cliff, I’ll say:

So what? I love to fly»
Clarice Lispector

«I ask myself: is every story that has ever been written in this world, a story of suffering and affliction?

Clarice Lispector (The Hour of the Star)

«“I do not know much. But there are certain advantages in not knowing. Like virgin territory, the mind is free of preconceptions. Everything I do not know forms the greater part of me: This is my largesse. And with this I understand everything. The things I do not know constitute my truth.”»
Clarice Lispector
Publisert av: For the Little Prince - Per | april 7, 2010

Perhaps, you’ve never known some one like me #2

A couple of days ago, [Person #101] looks at me and says, I don’t see any indication that you have Narcolepsy, I’d have to get a doctor’s statement to believe it.
Sandy Ej [says or thinks]:
Well, you just haven’t walked in my shoes. When I fall down, you see a clumsy person.
When my laundry is not finished, you see a lazy person.
When I fall asleep, you see a person who hasn’t slept for
48 hours. When I avoid a topic, you see me as ‘wimpy’.
When I seek out the company of those that *love* me
like a sister, you see a person who avoids tough situations.
When I cry, you see a person who is weak. When I simply walk away from a situation, you see some one who has ‘no backbone’. This is far from the truth, my friend. I am coordinated. I once could waterski. I am industrious. I once was a teacher. I am lively. I once was able to saddle a horse and ‘peel out’ faster than you could say, «Wait a minute…» I am alert. I just can’t stay awake. I am strong-willed and courageous. You just haven’t known me ‘forever’. I am gutsy. You have just never seen me on the end of the high diving board, have you? I can climb mountains and swim like a fish. You have just never learned how to ‘be with me’. I am a woman of great strength.
You have never seen me when I’ve reached the ‘top of the summit’. I can’t ever say that I’ll ever be the person that I was. However, I’ll always be some one that you can love.
My heart is still warm, albeit hardened. I will always love you. I just don’t know if I can accept the way that you see
*me* from the outside. From the inside-out, I am perfect
as long as you know…. *WHO I USED TO BE*
Sandy Ej

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