Publisert av: For the Little Prince - Per | april 7, 2010

Perhaps, you’ve never known some one like me…

Perhaps, you’ve never known anyone with Narcolepsy. Let me give you
a few tips. If I have fallen asleep in your presence, I am either extremely
happy or I am miserable. If I am groggy or slurring my words, I am not drunk,
I can not drink. I am just under stress. If I fall down while laughing uncontrollably,
you can write it in your journal as: Sandy thinks that I am hilarious. If when I
see you, I fall down and skin my nose on the pavement, it’s just that *I love you*.
If I am painting on a 10 foot ladder and you wave at me as you drive by, and I fall;
I was just happy to see you. If you haven’t heard from me in decades, think of
the last thing that you said to me. Stress makes me sleepy. I want to be alert and
awake and so… I surround myself with positive people. It’s not that I think that
you are unimportant. You stress me out. And, I fall asleep. I want to live life living.
I am tired of sleeping. That’s what Narcolepsy is, an uncontrollable urge to sleep
their lives away. Live Life Living. That’s the way it should be. Muah.

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