Publisert av: For the Little Prince - Per | desember 23, 2015

Bright & Twinkly Christmas Lights

Bright and Twinkly Christmas Lights

Last night at the concert, I thought of

Love & Gratitude.

There was a beautiful string of Christmas lights on

the back drop for the Christmas Concert at the Fine

Arts Center. The music was enchanting. I loved

seeing a young gentleman playing the double

bass. The orchestra piece from Tchaikovsky made

me smile. And, then, the bright, twinkly Christmas

lights went out. I was thinking of love & gratitude.

And, then, it happened; the lights went on.

I enjoyed two more numbers sung by the Varsity

Choir and, then, the lights went out.

Now, you think that I’d have better things to do

than write about bright and twinkly Christmas

lights. And, you might be hoping that I’d get to the

point. My point is: If the bright and twinkling

Christmas lights represented joy, what if we all

had the ability to turn on the bright and twinkling

Christmas lights just by ‘a wish’ or ‘a

prayer’.   What if ‘your attitude really did affect the

mood in a room’?   What if ‘your very own bright

and twinkling Christmas lights’ had

the ability to bring joy or sorrow to some one’s

life?   What if it was ‘simply a smile’ that lit up the

room?   What if sharing love and gratitude really

did have the potential to change the mood in an

entire concert hall?


What if I could make a difference by sharing love

and gratitude?

Some one shared the concept with me eight years

ago. I think that they have been on the verge of

tears many times as I walked away from the

opportunity to live ‘happy’ just by ignoring his/her

words of wisdom.

What if your bright and twinkling Christmas lights

could change the world?

Would you be willing to share love & gratitude?

I would.

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