Publisert av: For the Little Prince - Per | november 8, 2008

Hey You! A Poem by Sandy S Zoo


If you have experienced a heart attack, a recent diagnosis of cancer,

the loss of your sight or hearing, or are living with a chronic illness,

you may be wondering, can I get back in the game again. If you

have experienced ANY LOSS, you may be wondering, can I live and

love again.

Here is my reply:



A poem:

You are asking me to trust again

You are asking me to feel again

You are asking me to love again

You are asking me to take my heart out

Of my front pocket and put it where it belongs

You are asking me to take that thought

And to let it burn, to let it go, to let people know

There’s a better tomorrow, I can be free

I can be me

You are asking me to love again

You are asking me to touch again

You are asking me to tell the world

That the beauty on the outside is real

And, that the beauty on the inside will heal

You are telling me to dare to take another step

To get back on the stage and to be me

I am scared that I will get hurt again

I am scared that I will fall again

I am scared that I will learn to love again

And, that I will have to let go again

To let go of the pain again

As I sit here perched on the edge

I am ready to fly

And as easy as it is to just sit here

I want to fly

I want to soar

I want to feel

I want to be

I am ready

Are you there to catch me if I fall

Are you there to hold my tears

Cupped in your hands

Count them one by one

Are you there to listen

When the world can’t understand

What it’s like to live and then lose

Almost everything that you hold

Dear to your heart

Are you ready for an encore

Are you ready to hear me roar

Are you ready to love again

Are you ready to fly again

Are you ready to feel again

Are you ready to live again

Even if it hurts


And, you?

Hey, you!

What’s your answer?

Whisper to me

And, you?

Another poem by:

Sandy S. Zoo

Posted in Hey-You! Another Poem by Sandy S. Zoo

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